Makerere University Holds Centennial Thanksgiving Prayers

With the difficulties that come as a result of a fast changing world, it was the prayer of Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu that Makerere remains relevant, in Uganda and the world, as an impactful institution especially in a dynamic world. 

Makerere University, on Friday the 2nd of September, 2022, held its National Thanksgiving Prayers at the University Freedom Square. Celebrated under the theme; Ebenezer “Thus far the Lord has brought us” from the book of 1 Samuel 7:12, the prayers were a highlight in line with the Makerere centennial celebrations.

Members of the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda at the event 

The Inter-Religious Council, a national faith-based umbrella organisation comprised of a number of religions and denominations, led the prayers with Bishop Joshua Lwere, the head of the National Overseer Association of Pentecostals and Evangelicals in Uganda as the main celebrant and the Most Reverend Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda as the guest preacher.

Also in attendance were religious leaders from the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council and the Orthodox Church. As put succinctly by Rev. Onesmus Asiimwe, the chaplain of St. Francis Chapel, the interdenominational prayers held in commemoration of the university’s century long service were evidence that unity did not necessarily have to mean uniformity.

Members of the Makerere University community during the prayers

True to its intent as an opportunity to extend appreciation, the event was largely filled with words of wisdom and gratitude for the various accomplishments that Makerere has achieved over the years from the various speakers who came from different spiritual backgrounds. 

Bishop Lwere intimated that it was a day to give thanks to God for the university’s impactful service, to appreciate the men and women who have served the university with dedication and proficiency and to dedicate the university leadership and community as Makerere begins another phase of its journey into the future. 

With the difficulties that come as a result of a fast changing world, it was the prayer of Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu that Makerere remains relevant, in Uganda and the world, as an impactful institution especially in a dynamic world. 

That it may remain capable of withstanding challenges that come from outside and threaten its values and those of the society within which it is found.

Bishop Joshua Lwere, the Main Celebrant of the event.
The Most Reverend Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda and guest preacher.

The prayers were followed by speeches from the university administration with the Vice Chancellor represented by his deputy in charge of Finance and Administration, Prof. Henry Alinaitwe who was thankful for the funding that has been directed towards the university.

Prof. Henry Alinaitwe, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor with Prof. Ezra Suruma, the Chancellor

Makerere has received significant funding for the reconstruction of its main building, the perimeter wall and ongoing research programs. Prof. Alinaitwe noted that this and much more were reasons to be grateful as we celebrate Makerere at 100 years.

The Chairperson of the University Council, Mrs. Lorna Magara highlighted that the university’s efforts to obtain land in the 1920s and to further expand in the 1940s were only made possible by divine grace. She also drew from the book of Exodus 3:15 to explain the religious significance of memorial.  

“Today’s gathering is a sign of our deep appreciation of the work that God has done through this great institution over the last 100 years. It is our way of saying ‘yes, we remember’, it is our memorial.” She said. 

Mrs. Lorna Magara, the Chairperson of the University Council.

Prof. Ezra Suruma, the Chancellor of Makerere University, conclusively remarked that an institution celebrating 100 years was not only remarkable but also rare in Uganda.

“Apart from the church, there are not many other institutions that have survived the times,” he said.

Guests at the thanksgiving prayers


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